Last Modified September 9, 2021
Here’s what you agree to by using the Boundary Commission, St. Louis County website.
• By using our website, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy.
• You agree to not use our website for any unlawful or harmful purposes. If you do, your actions shall be considered a violation of these terms of use, and we may limit your access.
• The Boundary Commission, St. Louis County is subject to the Missouri Sunshine Records Law. If you submit any information to us, that information will become public record unless it meets an exemption under the law. Those records will then be subject to disclosure upon request.
• We are not responsible for user-generated content, which is any content that was not created by a Boundary Commission employee or contractor but may be featured on the website.
The following Terms of Use lay out the purpose and intent of the Boundary Commission’s website and other platforms the Commission may use to provide digital services. Digital Boundary Commission services include:
We offer digital Boundary Commission services to encourage public participation, deliver effective services to the public, provide a record of current and historical Boundary Commission meetings, map plans, and proposals.
Note: these Terms of Use do not apply to social media sites.
The Boundary Commission also contracts with third parties for certain services, like:
• web traffic monitoring and website optimization
• form submissions and workflow tools
• web portals
Whenever you use a third-party service, you are also agreeing to that service’s Terms of Use. If you have any questions if a digital Boundary Commission service involves a third-party service, please reach out to
There are different ways you can access Boundary Commission services online. Some involve just reading through a page on, but others require information being entered into an online form. We have certain rules to follow when interacting with any of these online services
You may not use digital Boundary Commission services for any of the following purposes:
• To commit a criminal offense or to encourage others to engage in any conduct that would constitute a criminal offense.
• To cause any harm that would result in the payment of damages or encourage others to cause such harm.
• To impersonate a person or entity, or to claim a relationship with or represent any person or entity you are not authorized to represent.
• To upload any malicious content that may impact a digital Boundary Commission service, the Commission’s servers or networks, or the hardware or software of any other person who accesses them.
• To upload, post, or otherwise transmit any materials that you do not have the right to transmit (like uploading a video with copyrighted music).
The Boundary Commission reserves the right to suspend your access to a digital Boundary Commission service if we have reason to believe that your access is being used for any of the prohibited purposes listed above or for any other inappropriate or unlawful use. If we have a way to contact you, we will do our best to let you know about the suspension. If you believe your account has been suspended unfairly, please contact
To access some digital Boundary Commission services, you may be required to create an account. When creating an account, you must ensure that all the information you provide is current, accurate, complete, and up to date. You agree that you are at least 18 years old. You agree to never use another’s account without permission. You are solely responsible for the activity that occurs on your account. You agree to keep your account password secure. You must notify us as soon as possible of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your account.
Boundary Commission digital services are an additional service provided to constituents as an alternative method for interacting with the Boundary Commission in-person. However, the Boundary Commission can remove digital services, or access to those services, at the Boundary Commission’s discretion. If you have outstanding business with the Boundary Commission, you are still required to fulfill those obligations, even if a digital Boundary Commission service is unavailable for any reason.
You understand and agree that you are personally responsible for your behavior on, or through use of, digital Boundary Commission services. To the fullest extent permitted by law, you acknowledge and agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Boundary Commission, its officers, employees, representatives, agents, affiliates, and suppliers – with counsel acceptable to the Boundary Commission, which acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld– from all liabilities, suits, claims, losses, expenses, costs or any other damages against them or any of them arising from any act or omission by you, your agents, officers, employees, or subcontractors in any way connected with your use of our Services, your violation of these Terms, or the infringement, or alleged infringement, by you of any intellectual property or other right of any person or entity.
Digital Boundary Commission services are subject to forces outside of our control, so it is possible that some services may not be available at certain points. The Boundary Commission does not warrant the availability of any digital Boundary Commission service and disclaims all liability in respect to loss or damage incurred by a user that results, directly or indirectly, from loss of service, malfunction, or failure of any digital service, website, or online application, or any other cause connected with your use of the website or an online application.
Real people are responsible for updating digital Boundary Commission services, so there are times when information updates may be delayed or inaccurate. We will always do our best to make sure the information is up to date ***Boundary Commission, St. Louis County and its authorized agents and contractors make no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the quality, content, completeness, suitability, adequacy, sequence, accuracy, or timeliness of such information and data.
Digital Boundary Commission services may include a secured transaction. Your online security is our top priority, but there’s always a possibility of a breach. We are constantly working to keep every transaction secure, but Boundary Commission, St. Louis County makes no assurances and is not liable for any loss to you or any third-party if a breach does happen.
External links
While utilizing the Boundary Commission digital service, you may see external links that link to websites not managed by the Boundary Commission- also known as third-party websites. The Boundary Commission has no control over third-party websites nor is it responsible for the content of any such third-party websites. The Boundary Commission does not assume any responsibility or liability for any information, communications, or materials available at such third party-websites, or at any link contained in a third-party website. Boundary Commission does not intend these third- party websites to be referrals or endorsements of the linked entities by the Boundary Commission and are provided for convenience only. Each individual website has its own set of policies about what information is appropriate for public access. You assume sole responsibility for use of third-party websites. The Boundary Commission is not responsible for what happens once you click off a digital Boundary Commission service page.
User-Generated Content Featured Within a Digital Boundary Commission Service Some digital Boundary Commission services may display content that is user-generated. This means the content was created by a member of the public, not someone affiliated with the Boundary Commission. For example, user-generated content could be a map plan or proposal that is published on We do not endorse, support, or share the viewpoint of any user-generated content on a digital Boundary Commission service.
If you are creating content to be posted publicly on a digital Boundary Commission service, you agree not to post anything illegal, obscene, threatening, or fraudulent. If you do not follow these rules, we can remove the publicly posted content. Also remember that any information submitted to the Boundary Commission is subject to Missouri Sunshine Records Law (learn more in our Privacy Policy).
Keep in mind: if you post content on a digital Boundary Commission service, you are granting the Boundary Commission permission to use your content. If you publicly post content to a digital Boundary Commission service that infringes on a copyright, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act gives us the power to take it down. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act dictates how we will notify you of the infringement claim and what you can do if you think your content was taken down by mistake.
User-Generated Content Created from Boundary Commission Information. It is possible that a third-party could take information from a digital Boundary Commission service and host it on a separate platform (for example, taking the public hearing schedule from and displaying it on a separate website). The Boundary Commission is not responsible for information posted by third parties we are not affiliated with, therefore we cannot ensure the information’s accuracy.
If you are using Boundary Commission information on a third-party site, please keep in mind:
• You and your application must not express or imply any sponsorship or endorsement by the Boundary Commission.
• The text and images used in applications produced using Boundary Commission information should not be like those used by the Boundary Commission. They should not imply ownership, endorsement, or approval by the Boundary Commission. You may not use the Boundary Commission logo in any way.
• Boundary Commission services should not be misrepresented.
• If you are using an API (Application Programming Interface) to source information from a digital Boundary Commission service, we ask that you be mindful of excessive usage (which could slow down service for others). Though there is currently no usage limit, we ask that you let us know if you plan to make heavy use of an API featured on a digital Boundary Commission service (just email
Our Terms of Use are likely to be updated. Every time you visit an online Boundary Commission service, it is considered a new transaction, so it is important to check back to make sure you’re comfortable with the terms. The date that this policy was last modified can be found at the top of this page. Any modifications are effective immediately. This document should be considered the most updated policy and will be considered above any other agreements.